What are the core subjects that students have to pass in order to either get a high school diploma or progress through a college curriculum? English language competency (both reading and writing), a passing knowledge of regional and national history, a smattering of the sciences (life and computational), and some classes in math is your answer. It is no longer just the three R’s – reading, writing and arithmetic – learning has to encompass so much more these days. That means students are bombarded with a hoard of subjects they have to understand at a basic level even if this understanding has little to do with their future career aspirations. Basic math is required if a high school student or college aspirant wants to graduate, but it can cause problems if the student is not mathematically inclined.


The fact is that basic math is useful and should not be a barrier to any student. Yes, people have different gifts and basic skills in math elude many people. However, it should not be a barrier because there is help available. Even if, as a parent, you also find math very difficult, that is not a problem. You do not have to be the sole provider of answers.


The first place to seek help is with the subject’s teacher. It is often the case with teachers who have many students that help is hard to come by. Since students need to learn the basic skills in math required to function in society, there needs to be some outlet through which they can gain those skills.



The teacher is probably willing to help each and every student work out their problems with the subject, that’s probably why they got into teaching in the first place, but if he or she cannot provide the time, it could be supplied by a tutor. A tutor is able to provide direct instruction that it is impossible for a classroom teacher to give, and this is a subject where the student needs to understand what they are learning to be able to progress through the more difficult math classes to come.


A basic math tutor will start with the very basic concepts and lead the student through them to make sure that he or she understands the building blocks before they proceed with another concept. Math knowledge is a pyramid that is only as strong as its foundation. A tutor helps a student construct this firm foundation from the beginning of the sessions so further instruction gets easier. A tutor can make the subject fun!


Atlanta Tutors is able to provide experts in their subject areas to students who need the extra instruction no matter where they are in the Atlanta area. The student and the tutor find out where the problem is and they work from there to build knowledge in basic math. These professionals care about learning and want to make it as easy and fun as it can be for the student. Atlanta Tutors provides the best so that your student can do their best.